Thursday, September 30, 2021

CSV Read and Write

Before discussing about "CSV Read and Write", We have to know what is CSV? Please refer the below link to know more about CSV.

Click Here

In python, if we want to work with CSV files we have to import CSV module

CSV Write: 

import csv

file = open("sample.csv", "w", newline = "")    # First we have to open the file

csvwrite = csv.writer(file)     # Creating the object

csvwrite.writerow(["Name", "Age", "Occupation"]) # Write row method will take only one argument

csvwrite.writerow(["Alex", "25", "Worker"]) # We have to separate the values with comma


CSV Read:

import csv

file = open("sample.csv", "r")

csvread = csvreader(file)

for column in csvread:



['Name', 'Age', 'Occupation']

['Alex', '25', 'Worker']